
Bixby & Co Nibs go in the Spice Rubs

Bixby & Co. ground cacao nibs (pure, unadulterated chocolate) along with dried chilies and other spices such as paprika, cinnamon, clove, and ground coffee. This collection of dried rubs will satisfy any of your roast cooked indoors and burgers, fish fillets, skirt steak, pork tenderloin, or chicken thighs on the BBQ outside. 


Bixby's Habanero Spice Rub taste amazing on meat and poultry. Try something different by adding it to bloody marys.

For something less spicy and a little sweet, use Bixby's Sweet and Smoky BBQ Spice Rub


Don't forget Bixby's Chocolate and Coffee Spice Rub

or Bixby's Maine Coast Spice Rub on fish fillets. 


Checkout our blog or each spice rub's product page for recipe ideas!
